Strava segements overlayed on trail map

You can use Trailforks to discover popular mountain biking Strava segments overlayed on a trail map.

For those competitive Strava users you can toggle on Strava segments on the map. This option is found under the map 'layers' control (as seen on the left image). Segments are often not right at the start or end of a trail, so being able to see the segment in relation to the overal trail network map can help you know where to start and end an effort. You can click the segment on the map to view its details on the Strava website.

Trailforks also scans all these segments and checks if a segment closely matches a trail. This allows us to filter out the many segments not related to mountain bike trails.

You can then view lists of the most popular segments in a region. Helping you decide which segment to go get some PR's on or chase the KOM crown.

Viewing Strava segments is also available as a feature in the Trailforks mobile app.

To view lists of segments, select your region below.