Android 10 has new location permissions settings. For the Trailforks GPS recording to function properly you must select the "Allow all the time" option.

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Android 10 Background Location Permission Notice

At some point you might randomly get a notification saying Trailforks is accessing your location in the background, this is normal.

Trailforks does not get your location in the background, unless you are actively recording a ride.

This new Android 10 location notification is VERY misleading to users. It just randomly comes up once at some point for any app that has used background location AT SOME POINT.

I have dozens of tracking apps installed on my phone and they all have had this new Android notice come up at some point, even if I haven't opened the app in weeks.

It's not a notification that happens at the time of an app requesting background location, it just comes up at some random time for the user to review if they wanna continue to allow that app the location permission. In the case of Trailforks you do, especially if you record rides.
  • By canadaka Trailforks
  • #120 - 4,888 views